Brazilian vehicle number plates are issued by the states. Each state has a Departamento de Trânsito (DETRAN) that is charged with vehicle registration and car tax collection, but plates are standardized across the country and form a national vehicle registration database.
The current system was created in 1990 and was named Registro Nacional de Veículos Automotores (RENAVAM). It uses the form "LLL·NNNN", where LLL is a three-letter combination followed by a four-digit number with a dot between the letters and numbers. A combination given to one vehicle stays with it "for life" - it cannot be changed or transferred to another vehicle. Vanity plates are allowed as long as they abide to the same standard as non-vanity plates.
Above the combination is a metallic band with the State abbreviation (SP = São Paulo, RJ = Rio de Janeiro, PR = Paraná, AM = Amazonas etc.) and the name of the municipality in which the vehicle is currently registered. This band has to be changed when a vehicle needs to be registered in a different municipality. Rear number plates are bound to the vehicle by a plastic seal. Broken seals invalidate the number plate, which has to be re-sealed by the authorities. Seals need to be broken in order to change State/Municipality tags.
The size of the Brazilian license plates has been standardized to 400 x 130 mm (15" x 5" approx.) in 2008. That standardization also determines a unique typeface: Mandatory. Plates in Japanese or European size can no longer be used as of January 1, 2008.
Brazilian license plates use colour schemes to show their type, and front and rear plates use the same colours:
The letters on the license plate can describe the state where a vehicle was originally registered. Vehicles relocated from one state to another will show the new state/municipality on the replaceable tag, but it is always possible to determine the place of original registration for a used vehicle by observing the license plate range for each Brazilian State:
Alphanumeric combination | State |
AAA 0001 to BEZ 9999 | Paraná (PR) |
BFA 0001 to GKI 9999 | São Paulo (SP) |
GKJ 0001 to HOK 9999 | Minas Gerais (MG) |
HOL 0001 to HQE 9999 NHA 0001 to NHT 9999 NMP 0001 to NNI 9999 NWS 0001 to NXT 9999 |
Maranhão (MA) |
HQF 0001 to HTW 9999 NRF 0001 to NSD 9999 |
Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) |
HTX 0001 to HZA 9999 NQL 0001 to NRE 9999 NUM 0001 to NVF 9999 OCA 0001 to OCT 9999 |
Ceará (CE) |
HZB 0001 to IAP 9999 NVG 0001 to NVN 9999 |
Sergipe (SE) |
IAQ 0001 to JDO 9999 | Rio Grande do Sul (RS) |
JDP 0001 to JKR 9999 | Distrito Federal (DF) |
JKS 0001 to JSZ 9999 NTD 0001 to NTW 9999 NYH 0001 to NZZ 9999 |
Bahia (BA) |
JTA 0001 to JWE 9999 NSE 0001 to NTC 9999 |
Pará (PA) |
JWF 0001 to JXY 9999 NOI 0001 to NPB 9999 OAA 0001 to OAO 9999 |
Amazonas (AM) |
JXZ 0001 to KAU 9999 NIY 0001 to NJW 9999 NPC 0001 to NPQ 9999 NTX 0001 to NUL 9999 OAP 0001 to OBD 9999 |
Mato Grosso (MT) |
KAV 0001 to KFC 9999 NFC 0001 to NGZ 9999 NJX 0001 to NLU 9999 NVO 0001 to NWR 9999 |
Goiás (GO) |
KFD 0001 to KME 9999 NXU 0001 to NXW 9999 PEE 0001 to PFQ 9999 |
Pernambuco (PE) |
KMF 0001 to LVE 9999 | Rio de Janeiro (RJ) |
LVF 0001 to LWQ 9999 NHU 0001 to NIX 9999 |
Piauí (PI) |
LWR 0001 to MMM 9999 | Santa Catarina (SC) |
MMN 0001 to MOW 9999 NPR 0001 to NQK 9999 |
Paraíba (PB) |
MOX 0001 to MTZ 9999 OCV 0001 to ODT 9999 |
Espírito Santo (ES) |
MUA 0001 to MVK 9999 NLV 0001 to NMO 9999 |
Alagoas (AL) |
MVL 0001 to MXG 9999 | Tocantins (TO) |
MXH 0001 to MZM 9999 NNJ 0001 to NOH 9999 |
Rio Grande do Norte (RN) |
MZN 0001 to NAG 9999 | Acre (AC) |
NAH 0001 to NBA 9999 NXX 0001 to NYG 9999 |
Roraima (RR) |
NBB 0001 to NEH 9999 | Rondônia (RO) |
NEI 0001 to NFB 9999 | Amapá (AP) |